A recent project involved the sale, dismantling, and shipment of 24 stainless steel tanks, each with a capacity of 325,000 liters, measuring 15 meters in height and 5 meters in width.
Following the successful completion of a similar project in 2019, which involved 40 tanks, SBS was given the opportunity to sell an additional 50 tanks in 2024.
Phase 1 of this second batch has now been completed, with Phase 2 scheduled to follow in the coming months.
The key to managing a large project like this lies in meticulous planning and the effective use of a skilled team.

The project began with the SBS team and a crane company collaborating to dismantle the walkways and prepare the tanks for transport. Specialist trailers were then deployed, with four tanks escorted by police each evening to the nearest port. At the port, a specialist team handled the offloading, storage, and loading of the tanks onto the ship.
In this phase, the 24 tanks were divided into two shipments: 15 tanks to one destination and 9 tanks on a ship making stops at three different locations, allowing clients to share shipping costs with other buyers.
The project proceeded smoothly due to thorough planning, and the team is eagerly anticipating the start of Phase 2 in the coming months.