SBS Ayrshire purchased around 80 used stainless steel storage tanks of various size, ranging from 10,000 litres to 600,000 litres from the old Unichema Site in Bromborough, UK. This project has been ongoing since 2017 when we shipped 2 x 250,000 litre and 8 x 68,000 litre tanks to Norway. SBS carried out the complete project, including charter of the ship. Our team prepared the tanks, loaded to transport, offloaded at Mersey Wharf Port then loaded into the ship, lashed and secured prior to the ship sailing.

The next shipment from this site consisted of 2 x 300,000 litre tanks & 1 x 600,000 litre. The same process was carried out for these tanks which were also shipped to Norway.
Most recently we carried out refurbishment works on tanks from this same site. This involved internal cleaning, removing cladding and insulation, sandblasting and repainting to ensure the tanks were aesthetically pleasing for our clients at the Ford site in Dagenham, UK.